Saturday, June 19, 2010


Enough of staring at the screen and now down to business! You know those times when you are searching for the right thing to say. Well, most often, if you think too much, you will end up saying nothing or you are too late or the other person is too bored to hear you now or you end up saying some irrelevant nonsense. ok ok ! I know you guessed I am thinking of the right thing to say!
Yeah. So, I just came back from a walk. And I met this kid in the lift. You know in a huge residential complex like mine you get to see thousands of kids and I interact with most of them in the lift. And trust me this is the best place to learn kids better(if you are not a mom or dad of one of course ). :D There are these kids who get in and stick to the wall and drop their face down and stare at you open mouthed. Yeah, I know mommy told you not to talk to strangers, kiddo.You try to smile , but, nope, openmouthed stare it will be. And then there are these kids who come in and look at you with genuine raw curiousity. Which says "how come you are so big man ! what are those things in front of your eyes on your nose man! You ought to be in the zoo man!". And you smile, they stick their tongue out and give a half way smile. Yeah, I know you never smiled at a zoo animal, kiddo. There are other kids who come and say "aunty !which floor"! Damn! There goes my day! I mean any grown up female who is not wearing a skirt or pinafore is an aunty! I dont smile at such kids!! (just kidding :) ). And then there are these kids who come and say "Akka, which floor?". Some even ask "which school, akka ?". Real sweet huh. :) You smile at them, they give you a big grin. And some,well, keep grinning.:) One more category are kids who come in and stick their nose to the entrance of the lift and jump off once their floor comes. Hey hey! I dont have a sack, I won't kidnap you! Well, the list goes on and on. I spend a few more years and concentrate, I can write a thesis on this! Yeah right!Enough of this, back to work!

- V


  1. lol vid! paravailla! ur humor is passable!

  2. i hate growing up nd being called aunty .. wish we cud wear those pinafores for longer :)

  3. @ Srivi : i know i know :)
    @ appu : I know! i used to hate the pinafore to salwar transition!
